Tuesday, November 20, 2007

HSUS "The Real Truth"


The above link will take you to one of the best descriptions and analysis of the HSUS you will ever find. We have always suspected, these guys were simply trashing various animal groups, Farmers, Dairy, Cattlemen, Breeders...for self enrichment and here are the facts, I know most of us do not have the time to delve into the layers of this organization and to ferret out the each rotten stink... I don't think anyone actually has the stomach to do that, anyway and they are counting on it.

What we see is maze of organizations with a vast scope for so called interests and many of them are familiar household names that without a doubt we all have chipped in a few dollars to help form time to time... but guess what the money rolls up to
the HSUS.

In the financials, you will see the HSUS take from charity was over 14 million and they spent less than 130,000 for the benefit of any animal!

My.. My.. My.. what a shameful deceitful organization.. Taking lunch money from children and putting it in their pockets.

While claiming to raise money to benefit the animals.. Shameful... These guys are doing the work of the devil himself.

Yeah! I am proud of these bums sending information to our schools and mis representing what they actually do.. It's no wonder we have problems with business ethics and lack of moral in America.. These guys are teaching our children first hand it's ok to lie and deceive through hidden agenda.

Hey Boy's the Truth Works Just fine.. "Why don't you try it out sometimes?

Call your school board and insist they do not allow any HSUS material distributed to your children. We can stop that dead in the water.. Pick up the phone and call. Do it!

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